Can I do my own work?

Yes, you can work on your boat. Our anchor tenant, KKMI, needs to do below the line prep work, washing, grinding, wet sanding and any hot work. (see Contractor/Customer rules).  We are stewards of the environment and to ensure compliance we need to track all the volatile organic compounds that are used. As a result, all paints, and solvents much be purchased through the KKMI store.

Can I bring a contractor to the yard to work on my boat?

Contractors need to be approved by the Maritime Centre. For the approval process, we need to know what type of work is being done and ensure that the appropriate documents have been acknowledged and signed and insurance has been obtained by the contractor.

Can I move my own boat stands?

No, for your own safety, only KKMI crew members are allowed to move boat stands. Please contact your Project Manager when you are ready for your boat stands to be moved.

Can I borrow your tools?

No. The Maritime Centre does not have tools for rent. Please do not ask the KKMI crew members to loan out theirs as they are assigned to them and are responsible for their use. We do have scaffolding, rolling ladders and shore power cords that you can rent.

Will you provide scaffolding and ladders?

We do have scaffolding, rolling ladders and shore power cords that you can rent.

Do you have power that I can hook up to?

Yes, we recommend that you bring your own shore power chord.  If you forgot, you could rent one of ours. See Rate Sheet

Do you do varnish work?

Unfortunately, we do not have a contractor on site that does varnish or brightwork. You can refer to the contractor list to find someone that can do that for you.

Who is Velma Melmac?

 She is a native Californian who spent her summers in Yosemite before visiting us at KKMI in Pt. Richmond where she traded in her Airstream trailer for a boat.

Do you have a boat ramp?

No ramps, just lifts.  To answer any questions on how to prepare your boat for a haul out, please refer to this link at

Do I need to be on-site for the haul out/offload of my boat?

Although we encourage you to be on-site, it is not essential that you to be there for the haul out or launching.

When preparing for your boat for haul out, bring in your fenders, equipment, such as SUP holders, and lines so that they do not get entangled in the travel lift straps.

If we do need to move the holders and racks, there will be a charge for the time and labor. The KKMI lift crew is responsible for the offload and load out of your boat. The owner of the vessel oversees the Bill of Lading.

What is the environment like at the boatyard?

We are a large family of boat lovers, and we look forward to offering you a seat at our table. 

Mon – Fri 7:30 – 5pm
530 West Cutting Blvd.
Point Richmond, CA 94804

Phone: (510) 307-7913

Getting to The Maritime Centre by Boat

Boatyard runs Mon. - Fri. 7:30am - 4pm
Office open 7:30 - 5pm
THE NORTH: Pass underneath the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge, heading toward the Standard Oil Long Wharf, shortly thereafter you will see a pylon with a "4" placard, from this point see the instructions below, "From The Channel Entrance".
FROM THE SOUTH: Pass underneath the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge, keep the Berkeley Pier to starboard, proceed past the Southampton Shoal platform and in 1.5 nautical miles you will see a pylon with a "4" placard, from this point see the instructions below "From The Channel Entrance".
FROM THE WEST: Pass under the Golden Gate Bridge, past Alcatraz Island leaving it to starboard, or pass through "Raccoon Straights", head toward the pylon with a "4" placard, from this point see the instructions below, "From The Channel Entrance".
FROM THE CHANNEL ENTRANCE: Pass between pylons “4” to starboard and “5” to port, heading approximately 85 degrees magnetic toward pylons “8” and “12” both on your starboard side. To port you will see the old shipyard docks (a.k.a. Point Potrero); steer to port as you pass these docks and head up the Harbor Channel, passing the Port of Richmond cranes to starboard and the Union 76 tanks to port. At the channel dog-leg you will see KKMI’s beige domed shed in the distance. Proceed up the channel (mind the 5 mph speed limit) and tie up at a vacant dock space in KKMI’s marina (please avoid the haul out slip). Welcome to the “Richmond Riviera”!
GPS COORDINATES:  N37.924236  W122.374536


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